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Учебное заведение: | Другие города > ДРУГОЕ |
Тип работы: | Другие типы работ |
Категория: | Экономика |
Год сдачи: | 2020 |
Количество страниц: | 12 |
Оценка: | отлично |
Дата публикации: | 28.12.2020 |
Количество просмотров: | 378 |
Рейтинг работы: |
Тип работы: статья
Topical issues of staffing in the hospitality industry of the Republic of Crimea
Оригинальность в антиплагиат.ру 96 %.
Стать на английском языке.
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(фрагменты работы)
The paper deals with the current state of staffing the hospitality industry enterprises with qualified personnel. The dynamics of staff flows, as well as their remuneration rate are described. In addition, the paper highlights main activities undertaken by the Ministry of Tourism and Resorts of the Republic of Crimea and the Ministry of Education, Science and Youth of the Republic of Crimea connected with personnel availability in collective accommodation facilities. It is proved that these measures solve the issue of staffing during the holiday season partially.
Clustering of the tourism industry helps to attract more foreign and national tourists, to upgrade regional infrastructure, as well as to develop and implement innovative projects. Besides, it leads to a large-scale multiplier effect.
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