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(Синергия МОИ МТИ МОСАП) Иностранный язык 2 семестр (ответы на тест)

Тема : (Синергия МОИ МТИ МОСАП) Иностранный язык 2 семестр (ответы на тест)

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Учебное заведение: Синергия МОИ МТИ МОСАП
Тип работы: Ответы, Ответы на тесты Синергии
Категория: Английский язык
Год сдачи: 2023
Количество страниц: 1
Оценка: 5
Дата публикации: 14.11.2023
Количество просмотров: 392
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(Синергия МОИ МТИ МОСАП) Иностранный язык 2 семестр (ответы на тест)

Промежуточные тесты + Итоговый тест +Компетентностный тест

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(фрагменты работы)

1. … abroad will give me the opportunity to get a better job
*To study
*To studying
2. … book it this one? It is yours?
3. … has been my obsession since childhood
*Will sing
*Was sing
4. … of the clients are satisfied with our help, we did a good job
5. … of the peaches are good enough to be used, they’re spoiled
* None
6. … people aren’t happy because of their jobs
+++> Many
7. … people don’t see the difference between us
8. … you know that we’re engaged?
9. … you mad at me for yelling at you?
10. Add the missing word in sentence: “… order to come there on time, we need to hurry”
11. Add the missing word in sentence: “He was expelled … to the fact that he didn’t attend classes”
12. Add the missing word in sentence: “I painted my wall so … not to feel bored”
13. Add the missing word in sentence: “Never put … such important things, delaying them is always a mistake!”
14. Add the missing word in sentence: “She is working a lot … as not to be poor”
15. Add the missing word in sentence: “That’s the cat … owner treats it badly!”
16. Add the missing word in sentence: “We need to come there earlier so … to help them prepare”
17. Add the missing word in sentence: “We were late … of the fact that we got into a traffic jam”
18. After a year of arguing, we decided … a divorce
*to getting
*to get
19. At the moment Jason … with Ann
*is arguing
20. At the moment my computer …
*is repaired
*is being repaired
*is repairing
21. At the moment she … her teacher
*is calling
*are calling
22. Benedict Cumberbatch … a talented actor
23. By the time I am 19 I … to thirty countries
*will travel
*will be travelling
*am going to travel
*will have traveled
24. Can you … what is written on the board?
25. Did she … you where you were?
26. Faster! Put your clothes … and let’s go!
* on
27. Firstly, I want you all to introduce …
28. Gregory is highly enthusiastic … completing the tests
29. He … he wanted to close his cafe
*was saying
30. He (to begin) … to sleep well this summer
*will get
*have been
*will do
* will begin
31. He asked me if I … to have a cup of coffee
*had wanted
* wanted
32. He chose … to the cinema with us
*not going
*to not going
* not to go
*to not go
33. He opened the door … to let her in
* in order
34. He ordered us … of the house
*getting out
*got out
*to get out
*get out
35. He said he … smoking one year ago
* quit
*is quitting
36. He should … the doctor before it’s too late
*to visit
37. He told me he … for half an hour before he left
* had been waiting
*has been waiting
*is waiting
38. I … about buying a new phone
*am thinking
39. I … be able to help you, but I’m not sure yet
* might
*have to
40. I … handle this any longer. I quit
*can not
* cannot
*may not
41. I … the door long before we came in.
*will close
* had closed
42. I hope … this year successfully
* to finish
*to finishing
43. I left my jewelry … a week ago
*be cleaned
*to clean
*to be cleaned
44. I need to start listening to …
* myself
45. I need you to let me … that!
* do
*to do
*to doing
46. I quit University … the fact that I needed to study
* due to
*so that
*in case
47. I think she … the story a little bit yesterday
* exaggerated
*had exaggerated
48. I would wash the dishes if it … my turn
*had been
* was
49. I’m so hungry. I … get something to eat
*would go
*will go
50. I’m so sorry, I … that immediately!
*am going to clean
*will clean
*will have cleaned
51. I’m sorry … this, but I quit
* to say
*to saying
52. If I had had enough money, I … that ring
*would buy
* would have bought
*would had bought
53. If she doesn’t return the money on time, I … her
*would call
* will call
*will have called
*was calling
54. If she had asked me that question, I … to her more
*will talk
*would talked
*would have talked
55. If she tells you the truth, … me immediately
*will call
* call
*would call
56. If you … all the water we had, I wouldn’t have been thirsty
*wouldn’t drink
*didn’t drink
*hadn’t drank
* hadn’t drunk
57. If you … on time, she would have come to the party
* had called
*would call
*could have called
58. If you … your bag here, our maid will replace it when she comes
* place
59. If you feel depressed, you … better visit the doctor
*have to
60. If you hadn’t moved the keys to another place, I … them
*will find
* would have found
*would find
*have find
61. If you need some extra information, you … contact our help center
*have to
62. If you scream long enough, someone … you
*will hear probably
*will probably hear
*probably hears
*hears probably
63. If you touch hot water, you … a burn
*would get
*would have got
*will be getting
* get
64. If you were a singer, I … all of your concerts
* would visit
*will visit
*will have visited
*would have visited
65. In … to stay fit you need to exercise more.
* order
66. It was … task of all
*the harder
*the most hardest
*the hardest
67. It’s easy … when you’re alone
*to talking
* to talk
68. It’s so late, our neighbors … make so much noise!
*don’t have to
*doesn’t have to
* mustn’t
69. Kate always … funny jokes
*is telling
70. Last night she wrote two articles, sent two letters and … to bed
*had gone
*was going
* went
71. Last Tuesday my teacher … me off for being late
*had told
*had been telling
* told
72. Lions and tigers can … in zoos
* be seen
*be seed
*are seen
73. Little did he … about the situation
* know
74. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.I know only one thing: I need
B.Do you want
C.I’ll never forget
D.Are we rich enough
E.to feed my cat!
F.to stay with us tonight?
G. meeting you for the first time
H.to buy a house?
75. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.If I were you, I
B.If you had left sooner, you
C.If you leave now, you
D.If you are nice to people, they
E.wouldn’t tell him the truth
F.would have been at my place on time
G. will be at my place on time
H.treat you the same
76. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.I wish I
B.If only she hadn’t
C.If I had more money, I
D.If she had known more about the situation, she
E.were as good a dancer as you
F.been so naïve
G.would by a flat
H.wouldn’t be so naive
77. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.We will fix the car
B.They are going to
C.This time tomorrow
D.By tomorrow
E.if you pay us on time
F.France this summer.
G.she will be typing the message.
H.we will have done all the work.
78. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. At this time on Tuesday
B. By this time on Tuesday
C. Next week
D. At this time every day
E. he will be sunbathing
F. he will have finished sunbathing
G. he is going to sunbathe
H. the train to Dijon leaves
79. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.Rarely does
B.Little did
C.Under no circumstances
D.Scarcely had Kate arrived in Moscow when she
E. she has her flowers watered
F. she does to save me
G. should she put herself in danger
H. was arrested
80. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.Never has she
B.Not only has she played the violin, but she also
C.Seldom does she
D.In no other way
E.been in so much trouble before
F.sang well
G. have any rest
H. could the situation be explained
81. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.We need to go to the shop as we ran
B.If to compare myself with a machine, I run
C.Last week I ran
D.We are doing everything in our powers to run
E.out of milk
F.on positive emotions and coffee, otherwise I hardly function
G.into our furious headmaster
H.away from negative feelings
82. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.He isn’t at home. He
E.If you need help, you
F.We’re on a playground, you
G.If you are no longer thirsty, you
E.must be on his way to work
F. can always rely on me
G. mustn’t smoke here
H. don’t have to finish your coffee
83. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.He was playing with his cat when
B.You were chopping the vegetables while
C.Did you know
D.Were you talking on the phone with someone else when
E.it bit him
F.I was making coffee
G.they were getting married?
H.I called you?
84. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. At this time last night he
B. Last night
C. She had learned 4 languages before she
D. We were playing a game while
E. was preparing to go out
F. we had so much fun!
G. entered the University
H. James was approaching the building
85. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.Unless you get an education,
B.Unless you bake a cake,
C.Unless you fix the TV,
D.Unless you buy a new smartphone,
E. you won’t find a good job
F.we won’t be able to start a party
G.we won’t be able to watch it
H.you won’t be able to contact me
86. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.I leave my car to
B.The cat is usually
C.The window was
D.My heart was
E.be cleaned twice a month
F.fed three times a day
G.broken by a ball yesterday
H. broken when you told me you didn’t love me
87. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.It’s late, I need to turn the music
B.Before the flight you should turn your phone
C.I would like to read, I need to turn the light
D.I can’t reach the book, I need you to turn the page
88. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. He said he
B. She asked me if
C. We were wondering if
D. She asked me
E. wanted to quit his job.
F. I had finished my work
G. she wanted to come with us
H. to keep working
89. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. I think my flat was broken
B. I wanted her to bring my phone
C. The lack of positive emotions can bring
D. At first, I need to bring
E. into
F. back
G. on depression
H. up my child
90. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.We usually
B.Last night we
C.We have just started
D. Tomorrow we
E.go to the theatre on Mondays
F.stayed up late
G.completing the exercise
H.will go to the club
91. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A. It looks like he’s come down with
B. After my aunt died, my sister came into
C. Last night she came up with
D. A week ago I came across
E. flu
F. a huge sum of money
G. a brilliant idea
H. an interesting article in a newspaper
92. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.That was so rude from her, never put
B.If you put your clothes
C.That’s so rude, don’t put people
D.I would like to put
E.up with such offensive statements
F.on faster, we won’t be late
G.down like that
H.off our meeting, I’m in trouble
93. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.We are working faster these days so
B.She was late because
C.I can come in order
D.He stayed up late due
E.as to finish the work on time
F.of the weather
G.to help you
H.to the weather conditions
94. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.She expects him
B.He’ll never forget
C.He is not used
D.It’s nice
E.to understand
F.meeting me
G.to studying so long
H.to meet you
95. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.You should keep away
B.I believe in you, keep
C.The class is getting further, you should keep up
D.I think she is keeping something
E.from the wild animals
F.on working!
G.with them
H.from me
96. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.The house
B. We
C. Dinner
D. My child
E. was built last summer
F. were not invited to the wedding
G. was prepared on time
H. was brought up well
97. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.The cars
B.My cat
D.Our neighbours
E. were moved to the parking lot
F.was fed twice yesterday
G.was taught English well
H.were asked to be quieter
98. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.I can
B. I’m sorry wasn’t able
C. She could
D. I should have
E. make some tea if you want
F. to help you that day
G. work better a year ago
H. stopped her last night
99. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.He should have
B.My mother has always been able
C.My friend can
D.Jake could
E. stayed out of our fight
F.to contact me at any time
G. make great jokes
H. cook well when he was a chef
100. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.My teacher always
B.I am preparing
C.She is studying
D.They never
E.gives me extra homework
F.for my exams now
G.abroad at the moment
H.go to school together
101. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.Haley always
B.She is at home, she is
C.I’m thinking about
D.They never
E.prepares breakfast for our family
F.watching TV with her dad
G.going shopping tomorrow
H.come to the meetings on time
102. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.She ordered me not
B.My neighbours asked me if
C.She told me she
D.My mother suggested
E.to eat anything before the guests come
F.they were bothering me during the night
G.hadn’t texted him
H.talking to her
103. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.I asked her if she
B.She suggested
C.I told you I
D.They said they
E.had visited that gallery before
F.staying at home because it was too cold outside
G.was home that day
H.were about to leave
104. Match the parts to make the sentences:
A.They adore
B.She wants
C.I am afraid
D.He is sorry for
E. riding bicycles in the evenings
F. to study with her sister
G. to control my own thoughts
H. staying at home that day
105. Match the words with the prefixes used with them:
106. My bag with all the money … last night
*is stolen
* was stolen
*had stolen
107. My brother usually … home late after work
* comes
*is coming
108. My cousin wants … a dog next year
* to have
*to having
109. My dad asked me if I … anything to say
* had
*was having
110. My dad said he … the tickets on his own the following day
*will buy
* would buy
*is going to buy
111. My doctor advised me … a rest
*to have
*to had
112. My favourite restaurant … now
* is closed
*was closed
113. My flowers … by Ann every day
*will watered
* are watered
*were watered
*is watered
114. My house … ten years ago
* was built
*will build
*were build
*were built
115. My sister told me she … to Italy before
*has never been
*never has been
* had never been
*never had been
116. Nancy … thirty emails by tomorrow
*will be sending
* will have sent
*will send
*is going to send
117. New technologies were brought … to change men\'s life
118. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “George and I are best friends” – he said. He said he and George (to be) … best friends”
119. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “I am watching a show” – he said. He said he (to watch) … a show”
120. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “I will be very rich!” – he said. He boasted that he (to be) … very rich”
121. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “I will go to the party” – he said. He said he (to go) … to the party”
122. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “I work in a bank” – she said. She said she (to work) … in a bank”
123. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “I work in Paris!” – Mary said. Mary said she (to work) … in Paris”
124. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence with indirect speech: “I’m going to France this summer” – she told us. She told us she (to go) … to France that summer”
125. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “A lot of different movies (to direct) … by Steven Spielberg”
126. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “A lot of rice (to eat) … in Asia every year”
127. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Alex said he (to buy) … a new phone before he had broken his old one”
128. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Ann is interested in (to protect) … the environment”
129. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Dynamite (to invent) … by Alfred Bernhard Nobel”
130. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Everything (to explain) … to us tomorrow”
131. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “Hardly (to be) … the park finished when we came there”
132. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He asked if I (to dance) … with him the next day”
133. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He asked me (to control) … my anger”
134. Open the brackets, put the verb in the correct form in sentence: “He couldn’t (to cheat) … on the exam, he didn’t have his phone with him”

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