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АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК промежуточные тесты

Тема ответов: АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК промежуточные тесты

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Общая информация
Учебное заведение: Учебные заведения Синергия
Тип работы: Ответы на тесты Синергии
Категория: Английский язык
Год сдачи: 2024
Количество страниц: 32
Оценка: 10
Дата публикации: 27.02.2024
Количество просмотров: 270
Рейтинг работы:
Иллюстрация №1: АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК промежуточные тесты (Ответы на тесты Синергии - Английский язык). Иллюстрация №2: АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК промежуточные тесты (Ответы на тесты Синергии - Английский язык). Иллюстрация №3: АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК промежуточные тесты (Ответы на тесты Синергии - Английский язык). Иллюстрация №4: АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК промежуточные тесты (Ответы на тесты Синергии - Английский язык). Иллюстрация №5: АНГЛИЙСКИЙ ЯЗЫК промежуточные тесты (Ответы на тесты Синергии - Английский язык).
Описание работы

актуально 2024. промежуточных очень много. А значит и ответов больше

Дополнительная информация

(фрагменты работы)

приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (9) нужно добавить слово ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)… (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)… (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)… (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) … (to have ) no ideas. Then he 5)… (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)… (to leave), a burglar 7)… (to break) into his flat and 8)… (to read) his story. The visitor 9)… (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)… (not to think) much of it. I 11)… (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)… (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)… (to write) the rest of the story. He 14)… (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)… (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)… (go out) in the evening, he always 17)… (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (13) нужно добавить слово ... Tom Smith was a writer. He 1)… (to write) detective stories for magazines. One evening he 2)… (to be not able) to invent an end for a story. He 3)… (to sit) with his typewriter in front of him, but he 4) … (to have ) no ideas. Then he 5)… (to go) to the cinema. When he 6)… (to leave), a burglar 7)… (to break) into his flat and 8)… (to read) his story. The visitor 9)… (to leave) Tom a note: “I have read your story and I 10)… (not to think) much of it. I 11)… (not to go) to steal anything tonight, but I will return, when you become a successful writer.” Tom 12)… (to study) the burglar’s suggestions and 13)… (to write) the rest of the story. He 14)… (to be) still not a successful writer, and he 15)… (wait) for his burglar to return. Before he 16)… (go out) in the evening, he always 17)… (to leave) a half-finished story near his typewriter.
В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (9) нужно добавить слово ... The teacher 1) … (to come) into the classroom unusually early and one of the boys who 2) … (to smoke) a cigarette, 3)… (to have) no time to put it out. So he 4) … (to throw) it into the desk. A little later the teacher 5) … (to notice) the smoke 6) … (to rise) from the desk. “You 7) … (to smoke) when I 8) … (to come in)?” he 9) … (to ask).
В приведенном ниже тексте на место пропуска (8) нужно добавить слово ... The teacher 1) … (to come) into the classroom unusually early and one of the boys who 2) … (to smoke) a cigarette, 3)… (to have) no time to put it out. So he 4) … (to throw) it into the desk. A little later the teacher 5) … (to notice) the smoke 6) … (to rise) from the desk. “You 7) … (to smoke) when I 8) … (to come in)?” he 9) … (to ask).
Заполните пропуски. … (not to forget) to bring me Walter’s calculator back on Monday! He said, he … (to need) it in his everyday work.

Заполните пропуски. We invited Mrs. Tailor to dinner, but she refused saying that she … (not to like) going out much.
Заполните пропуски. The article stressed the point that the new generation … (not to accept) their parent’s ideals.

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