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New Zealand. Plastic money. Setting up a business. E-Commerce.

Тема реферата: New Zealand. Plastic money. Setting up a business. E-Commerce.

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Описание работы
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Общая информация
Учебное заведение: ТулГУ
Тип работы: Рефераты
Категория: Английский язык
Год сдачи: 2015
Количество страниц: 20
Оценка: 5
Дата публикации: 08.12.2024
Количество просмотров: 15
Рейтинг работы:
Иллюстрация №1: New Zealand. Plastic money. Setting up a business. E-Commerce. (Рефераты - Английский язык).
Описание работы

1. New Zealand

1.1. Where is New Zealand?

1.2. Landscape

1.3. Culture

1.4. Politics

2. Plastic money.

2.1. Plastic money.

2.2. Visa Electron.

2.3. Visa Electron ISIC

2.4. Visa Internet

3. Setting up a business.

4. E-Commerce.

4.1. What is E-Commerce?

4.2. Categories of E-Commerce

4.3. Advantages of E-Commerce

4.4. Disadvantages of E-Commerce

4.5. Implementing an E-Commerce Site

4.6. Trends for the future

Дополнительная информация

(фрагменты работы)

A plastic bank card is a commonly and widely used tool for making cashless payments, the so-called electronic purse, which enables its users to pay for goods and services and withdraw cash from ATMs all over the world.
Plastic bank cards are divided into various types depending on the opportunities they provide, maintenance conditions and additional services. With regard to the above features the cards are subdivided into: the more expensive and prestigious "golden" cards - Visa Gold; universal "classic" cards Visa Classic and MasterCard; and cheap "electronic" cards - Visa Electron, Maestro and virtual Visa Internet.
Cards are also divided into 2 groups – debit cards and credit cards. Debit cards allow their holders use only the money they have on their account. Credit cards give an opportunity to use bank credit if your are short of money on your account. And of course bank charges fees for using credit. The amount of credit provided depends on the type of the card.
Holders of VISA and Mastercard cards enjoy all the opportunities provided by the payment system Visa International irrespective of the account currency.

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