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Сравнительнная перспектива Русской, Американской и Английской мифологии

Тема дипломной работы: Сравнительнная перспектива Русской, Американской и Английской мифологии

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(фрагменты работы)

Общая информация
Учебное заведение: Universitatea de Stat din Moldova
Тип работы: Дипломные работы
Категория: Английский язык
Год сдачи: 2024
Количество страниц: 80
Оценка: 4
Дата публикации: 14.06.2024
Количество просмотров: 27
Рейтинг работы:
Иллюстрация №1: Сравнительнная перспектива Русской, Американской и Английской мифологии (Дипломные работы - Английский язык).
Описание работы

 Структура Исследования. Исследование состоит из 80 страниц
текста, введения, списка основных терминов, двух глав, заключения и

Ключевые слова: мифология, культура, духи, божества,
исторические события, мировоззрение, перевод.

Предметом исследования: является
сравнительный анализ культурных особенностей, различий и сходств английской,
американской и русской мифологии.

Цели и задачи: провести
сравнительный анализ мифологии трех разных культур с целью выявления
особенностей, сходств и различий между ними. Для достижения поставленной цели
необходимо решить следующие задачи:

проанализировать мифологию как понятие;

выявить типы мифологии в разных культурах и их влияние на развитие

подробно ознакомиться с мифологией каждой из трех представленных культур,
проанализировать развитие их культуры и влияющие на нее факторы.

выявить сходства и различия в мифологиях трех культур и сравнить их.

выявить трудности перевода на примере мифологических персонажей, а также
проанализировать достоинства и недостатки использованных способов перевода.

Теоретическая ценность. Изучение и сравнение русской
мифологии поможет лучше понять мировоззрение, религиозные и духовные практики,
социальные и культурные нормы каждой культуры. Мифы содержат архетипические
образы, изучение которых в разных культурах позволяет выявить внутренние
психологические процессы и общие символы. Сравнительный анализ мифов позволит
выявить общие темы и способы решения схожих экзистенциальных проблем.
Лингвистический анализ фольклора, в том числе мифов, сказок и легенд, позволит
выявить особенности литературных традиций и эволюцию языка изучаемых культур.

Практическая ценность. Анализ того, как
мифологические повествования формируют и отражают идеологии, системы верований
и мировоззрения обществ, поможет лучше понять социальное и религиозное влияние
мифов на сообщества. Также будет рассмотрен практический аспект перевода
мифологических существ с оценкой переводческих приемов, позволяющих сохранить
оригинальный смысл, тон и культурные нюансы. На примере переводов
мифологических персонажей в исследовании будут выявлены общие проблемы и
предложены стратегии их преодоления. Таким образом, исследование позволит не
только повысить точность и аутентичность переведенных текстов, но и улучшить
культурную восприимчивость и понимание. Сближая культурные повествования
посредством эффективного перевода, оно внесет вклад в глобальные усилия по
культурной интеграции.

Дополнительная информация

(фрагменты работы)

Mythology is the most important part of human life, acting as a historically developed form of collective consciousness, preserving a holistic picture of the world, combining religious, scientific and practical experience of ancient people. Often we overlook the significance of our origins, traditions and ancestral knowledge passed down from generation to generation. Since childhood, we hear fairy tales and stories, rarely giving much thought to their deeper meaning. Nevertheless, these stories shape our understanding of the world. People have always sought answers about the origin and structure of the world, as well as the meaning of life. The ancients deified unexplained phenomena, creating myths to make sense of nature and human relationships. Studying myths from different cultures helps to form a personal worldview and to appreciate national literature in a broader cultural context. Mythology as a cultural phenomenon contains collective beliefs, values, and narratives that shape social identity and worldview. The moral principles of ancient myths remain relevant, fostering universal spiritual values and moral education from a young age. Myths also enrich us aesthetically, preparing us to understand world art, as many literary, artistic and musical works are based on mythological themes and images. Mythology broadly includes traditional narratives, symbols and rituals that convey fundamental cultural truths and values. From gods and heroes to everyday folk tales, mythology offers a framework for understanding human experience and the cosmos, reflecting the hopes, fears and aspirations of society.
We chose to investigate this topic because myths, as traditional stories, that address life’s fundamental questions. By studying these narratives, this research aims to reveal the archetypal images and themes that underpin human experience and societal norms. A comparative analysis of myths from different cultures will uncover how universal themes are expressed differently, influenced by each culture’s historical, geographical, and social context. Understanding the role of mythology in shaping cultural identity and ideology is crucial for addressing contemporary issues related to cultural preservation and social cohesion. By examining how mythological narratives influence modern ideological constructs and political identities, this research provides valuable insights for policymakers, educators, and cultural mediators. It helps in addressing cultural biases, stereotypes, and conflicts that arise from misunderstandings or misrepresentations of mythological narratives.
The object of the research is a comparative analysis of distinctive features, as well as commonalities across English, American, and Russian mythology, drawing on their respective cultural contexts, ways of life, and distinguishing features. By comparing mythological traditions in England, America, and Russia, we discovered patterns that transcend cultural boundaries. Although each tradition is unique, they share common themes of heroism, transformation, and the struggle between good and evil. This comparative analysis deepened our understanding of the universal truths and enduring values that unite humanity.
The aim of the research is to compare the identity and find the potential influences and interrelationship concerning the formation of mythology in three different cultures. Our goal is to pinpoint their similarities and differences in terms of mythology, as well as other manifestations of oral folk art, in order to understand how human society is common in its vision of the world. In order to achieve this goal, we set the following objectives:
 to clarify the concept of “mythology” in general;
 to define its purposes and types, and, based on the above;
 to apply this knowledge in a comparative analysis to understand what exactly influenced the formation of a particular mythology in the English, American and Russian cultures.
The scientific novelty of the research lies in an interdisciplinary approach to the comparative study of English, American, and Russian mythology. While previous scholars have studied individual mythological traditions in depth, this study seeks to transcend disciplinary boundaries by synthesising knowledge from mythology, folkloristics, literary analysis, cultural anthropology, comparative literary studies and translation. One aspect of scientific novelty is the comparative methodology employed in this study. By systematically comparing and contrasting myths, legends, and folktales from three different cultural contexts, we aimed to identify key patterns, themes, and motifs that illuminate universal aspects of human experience. This comparative approach allowed us to better understand how cultural factors influence the creation and transmission of mythological narratives, and to identify common archetypes and symbols that transcend cultural boundaries. In addition, this study contributes to the growing field of comparative mythology by examining the interplay between myth and culture in the context of English, American, and Russian societies. By analysing the historical, social and ideological influences that have shaped each mythological tradition, this study sheds light on the dynamic relationship between myth and society, highlighting the ways in that mythology reflects and reinforces cultural values, beliefs and identities.
Furthermore, this study deepens our understanding of the role of mythology in shaping collective consciousness and worldviews. By exploring the enduring relevance of mythological narratives in contemporary culture, literature, and the arts, this study highlights how mythology continues to resonate with audiences across time and space. Through an interdisciplinary approach, this study offers new insights into the transformative power of narrative and its ability to shape human understanding of the world.
The theoretical value of the research is to systematically summarise and expand the existing body of knowledge about mythology. By delving into the tangled web of mythological narratives, symbols and archetypes, the study seeks to uncover the underlying cultural paradigms and worldview constructs that these myths represent. A careful comparative approach will reveal how different cultures articulate universal themes such as creativity, heroism, morality, and the supernatural, and how these articulations are influenced by historical, geographical, and social contexts. This deep understanding of cultural specificities and universals in mythological narrative is essential for scholars and practitioners seeking intercultural dialogue. By highlighting both common human experiences and unique cultural manifestations in myths, this study will provide a nuanced perspective that can bridge cultural divides, promote mutual respect, and enhance collaborative efforts in multicultural settings.
The practical value of the research lies in scrutinising the differences and unique characteristics inherent in the mythologies of different cultures. This includes analysing how mythological narratives shape and reflect the ideologies, belief systems and worldviews of different societies. By understanding the role of mythology in the formation of cultural identity, this study will provide a better understanding of the social and religious influences that myths have on communities.
In addition to ideological influences, the study will focus on the practical aspects of translating mythological beings. It will scrutinise the various translation methods used to transfer mythological content from one language and cultural context to another, assessing their effectiveness in preserving original meaning, tone and cultural nuances. By evaluating case studies of translations of mythological characters, the study will identify common problems and suggest strategies to overcome them. The findings will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of different translation methodologies and provide practical guidelines for translators and scholars involved in intercultural translation projects. This will not only improve the accuracy and authenticity of translated texts, but also enhance cultural sensitivity and understanding. By bridging the gap between different cultural narratives through effective translation, the study will support global efforts towards cultural integration and harmony.
This integrated approach ensures that the research will not only be theoretically robust but also practically applicable, addressing real problems related to cultural exchange, translation and cultural heritage preservation.

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