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Учебное заведение: | Другие города > ДРУГОЕ |
Тип работы: | Контрольные работы |
Категория: | Английский язык |
Год сдачи: | 2020 |
Количество страниц: | 11 |
Оценка: | отлично |
Дата публикации: | 11.01.2021 |
Количество просмотров: | 525 |
Рейтинг работы: |
Оригинальность в антиплагиат.ру 91 %.
The purpose of this report is to consider predicative constructions, as well as to bring features of their use in modern English.
The object of research is predicative constructions in modern English.
The subject of the research is predicative constructions, features of use in modern English.
This research can be used as a source material for further research on the problems described in it.
Characteristic of predicative constructions……………………………...4
2. Types and
functions of predicative constructions……………………….7
3. Features of
the use of predicative constructions in modern English… ..9
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………..11
List of
List of reference
1. Berman I.M. English grammar. A course for self-education. - M.,
"Higher School", 1993. - 288 p.
2. Bloch, M.Ya. Theoretical foundations of grammar: A manual for
students of institutes and faculties of foreign languages. - Moscow: Higher
School, 2000. - 383p.
3. Zhigadlo V.N., Ivanova I.P., Iofik L.L. Modern English. Theoretical
course of grammar. - M., Literature Publishing House in Foreign Languages,
4. Ivanova I.P. And others. Theoretical grammar of modern English: A
manual for institutes and faculties of foreign languages. - Moscow: Higher
School, 1981. - 285s.
5. Ilyish B.A. Modern English. Theoretical course. Edition 2, revised
and supplemented. - M., Publishing house of literature in foreign languages,
1948 - 347p.
6. Ilyish, B.A. The Structure of Modern English: A Textbook on the
Course of Theoretical Grammar for Pedagogical Institutes. - 2 nd ed. -L .:
Enlightenment, 1971. - 385s.
7. Semenyuk M.V. Methodical recommendations for the work on the topic
"Predicative Constructions with Verbals" in the classroom on
practical grammar of English in the 3rd year of the Faculty of Foreign
Languages. - Y-Ola, 1990. - 27s.
8. Smirnitsky AI English syntax. - M., Publishing House of Foreign
Languages, 1957. - 285 p.
9. Blokh, M.Y. A Course in
Theoretical English Grammar. - Moscow, 2000. – p. 396.
10. Jespersen, O. A Modern
English Grammar on Historical Principles. Part III. Syntax. Vol.2. -
Copenhagen, London, 1949. Part IV. Syntax. Vol.3. -Copenhagen, London, 1949.
Part IV. Vol.4. - Copenhagen, 1940.- p. 523.
11. Jespersen, O. Essentials of
English Grammar. - Ldn, 1946. – p. 246.
(фрагменты работы)
One of the most important problems of syntax in modern English remains the problem related to the peculiarities of the predicative constructions use. The data given in the textbooks and manuals on the grammar of modern English are often poorly illuminated and poorly systematized. However, when learning English, it becomes necessary to study various types of the predicate, as well as the use of non-personal forms of the verb and predicative constructions that help diversify the speaker\'s speech.
Having considered various predicative constructions existing in modern English language, characterizing them and analyzing their use in modern English, we came to a number of conclusions.
First, it must be said that many questions of syntax remain unresolved at the present time. So, for example, there is still no single definition of the concepts "subject" and "predicate". We gave the viewpoint of Smirnitsky A.I., who believes that when defining these concepts it is not enough to rely only on the grammatical and lexical meaning of words, but one must take into account the situational nature of the statement.
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